100% Valposchiavo - 100% Genuss
Due to innovation and our farmers’ pioneering efforts, 90 % of our farmland currently produces organic products certified by Bio-Suisse. Valposchiavo stands alone in this area – worldwide!
Due to innovation and our farmers’ pioneering efforts, 90 % of our farmland currently produces organic products certified by Bio-Suisse. Valposchiavo stands alone in this area – worldwide!
The local farmers’ innovative drive coupled with a living culinary tradition and excellent food industries provide Valposchiavo with a wide choice of first-class food products. From our milk, meat, grain, herbs, fruit and berries and the grapes from our neighboring valley Valtelina come the raw materials for cheese, sausages, pasta, teas, fruit juices, preserves and wine. The palette of our organic products grows ever larger.
The Agricultural Associations, the Valposchiavo Chamber of Commerce and the local Tourist Office have joined forces to guarantee that these first-class products find their way to you. They initiated the “100% Valposchiavo” project to provide you with a unique dining experience and let you enjoy the good things of life right here where they are produced!
100% Valposchiavo. A product bears this logo to show that the named produce: milk, meat, fruit or vegetable, or all the ingredients of a product